Genealogy index and links
As I have no idea what ads will display here, they are not necessarily endorsed by me but you may well find them useful and by clicking on them it helps to pay to keep this website alive:
this website is a not-for-profit website and it will not cost you anything to browse it or to email me.
much of the information has been sourced from the internet or kindly provided to me by researchers or family members.
I have added to this with my own research and to assist others in their research, I have attempted to amalgamate as much information as possible with internet links.
in particular, I appreciate the photographs which help us all to be reminded that these are people who like us, have had to contend with the trials and tribulations that life throws up, but hopefully they too had positive experiences and overcame their battles in life.
whilst I try to ensure the information is accurate, please email me if you feel there are errors.
did you know that every French monarch since the 10th century was descended from Charlemagne as was William the Conqueror and every British monarch since 1066.
so if you are of French or British descent, there is a good chance you have royalty in your blood line (not that this matters but it does mean that if you can find the linkages you can trace your ancestry back to the 10th century).
my mother has almost achieved this in her book
"Sans Peur - Origins and history of the Glare family" - Marguereta Wlliams, 2002, Penfolk Publishing, Blackburn, Melbourne ISBN: 1875894276
limited numbers of copies of this book are available for $A25 plus postage & handling - email me on
My genealogy information:
Online links to genealogy searches: - attempt to discover the descendants of convicts sent to Australia
free registration but search for other user's data does not give sufficient information to adequately limit who you should contact and you don't get access to their database data to help you decide if they are related to your tree or not. Seems a very inefficient design to me that wastes time.
you have to buy credits to enable you to retrieve details from the sites UK historic records and these are limited to 1837-2004. Given most of my UK information I need is before 1837, this site is not so helpful for me, but it may be very useful for you.
Online links to shipping and passenger lists to Australia in the 19th century:
the 1st ship to sail from the west through Bass Strait, thus initiating the shorter route from England to Port Jackson (1800)
No other colonial vessel achieved as much as the Lady Nelson
From November 1801 to March 1802, under the command of Lieutenant John Murray, the Lady Nelson explored Bass Strait and most of King Island. It was on this voyage that Port Phillip was discovered and explored with my ancestor's son on board (John Frederick Brabyn).
explored the Derwent River and a key to the new Risdon Cove settlement which preceded Hobart in Van Dieman's land in 1803, returning in 1807 with the first of 600 or so settlers from Norfolk Island (returned again from Norfolk Island to Hobart in 1808 and to Port Dalrymple in 1813).
surveyed the Tamar River near Launceston in 1804.
Miscellaneous links:
Australian Infantry Project - search for war veterans
Australian Privacy Act and genealogy research - essentially, the Privacy Amendment (Private sector) Act 2000 does not effect persons conducting research into their own families for a non-business purpose. For those conducting a business, then it may apply, particularly if personal information of living persons is being disclosed for some benefit, service or advantage.
professional genealogy research services:
Australian newspapers search (1803-1954) - a must and its free!
Genealogy software for web display:
import GEDCOM file into a hosted MYSQL database via its PHP front-end which will then automatically display individuals, ancestry, pedigree charts, etc.
seems nice, easy, customisable and very affordable
one of the few applications that effectively synchronises users online edits with GEDCOM-compatible database
hosted wiki style genealogies - MediaWiki