photographing urban city lights adds an extra bonus to your travel photography
shooting about 10-25 minutes after sunset will give your cloudless sky a nice deep blue
shooting when the full moon is up and behind you will help to fill in the shadows a bit
use a tripod
for best image quality, you need a sturdy tripod, lowest ISO, medium apertures (eg. f/8) for adequate sharpness and depth of field (DOF), and this results in long exposures such as:
ISO 200, f/8, 10-20 seconds
you should consider bracketing your exposures +/- 0.5 EV, of you can do a full HDR bracket (eg. 3 shot +/- 1EV, 5 shot +/- 2EV in total)
make sure you have focus on infinity if you have no important close subjects, otherwise consider focusing on the hyperfocal distance for that set up.