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multiple exposure photography with Olympus OM-D cameras


  • the main purpose of multiple exposure photography is to take two sequential images and add them on top of each other to create a single image
  • film cameras had to create a mechanism to avoid this being done accidentally before the film was advanced, but most had a method to allow this to be over-ridden to create arty multiple exposures
  • ALL Olympus OM-D cameras have an automatic multiple exposure mode

Olympus OM-D multiple exposure mode

  • Shooting mode as per PASM top dial, must be set to one of P, A, S, M
  • set shooting settings before activating multiple exposure
  • in the Menu, go to camera 2 and select Multiple Exposure
  • select options:
    • Frame = 2f (2 frames will be taken, but only one if Overlay = ON) to activate this mode (OFF deactivates it)
    • Autogain = if ON, the brightness of each frame is set to 1/2 and the images are overlaid.
    • Overlay = if ON, it will display all the RAW files on the camera to allow you to select a RAW image already recorded on the memory card (must have been taken by the same camera model) to be overlaid with another exposure and stored as a separate image. The number of pictures taken is one. However, the process can be repeated.
      • to overlay 3 or more frames:
        • Select RAW, and select a RAW file and use the [Overlay] option to make repeated multiple exposures.
      • When [Overlay] is set to [On], the images displayed when a RAW image is selected are developed with the settings at the time of shooting.
  • To set the shooting functions, cancel multiple exposure shooting first. Some functions cannot be set.
  • The camera will not go to sleep while multiple exposure is in effect.

Olympus OM-D Live Composite mode

omd/multiple_exposure.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/17 08:48 by gary1

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