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Possible Gleyre relatives from Chevilly, Switzerland


  • Chevilly is first mentioned in 1540 as Chivillier.
  • Chevilly is a mainly French speaking protestant small village of almost 4 square kilometers in size in district Morges which is in canton Vaud is Swizterland located at the foot of the Jura Mountains, and consists of the haufendorf village (an irregular, unplanned and quite closely packed village, built around a central square) 4km from the larger village of La Sarraz and 25km from the lake side town of Lausanne
  • the summers are comfortable in the afternoons with cool mornings, the winters are very cold (maximums are around 3°C), and it is wet and partly cloudy year round. The temperature typically varies from -2°C to 24°C and is rarely below -7°C or above 30°C.
  • In the 15th century, troops from Bern occupied Vaud and by 1536 had completely annexed it, but the German-speaking Bernese occupiers were not popular with the French-speaking local, and inspired by the French Revolution of 1788-99, the Vaudois eventually drove them out in 1798 just over a decade after my ancestor, Abraham Joseph GLEYRE, had immigrated to London.
  • In 2000 there were 30 single family homes out of a total of 59 inhabited buildings.
  • my ancestor, James Glare's parents were Abram Joseph GLARE (1755-) and Arabella DAVIES (1763-) who married on 25th April 1786. Abraham's grandfather was Jean Abraham GLEYRE (1675–) but there is debate as to his parentage and of his supposed father Joseph l'Aine GLEYRE (c1600?-)
    • either this 1600 DOB is incorrect or Jean Abraham is actually his grandson which would make more sense as there should logically be a Joseph the younger if there is “The Elder” which seems to be not recorded online. If this Joseph really does have DOB c1600 then his father cant be Daniel Gleyre (1635–1680), it would make more sense if Joseph l'Aine was the father of Daniel Gleyre (1635–1680) and the father of Joseph l'Aine was Daniel GLEYRE GLARE (1575-).


  • Daniel GLEYRE GLARE (1575-)
    • Joseph I'aine (“the elder”) Gleyre Glare (c1600-)
      • Joseph the younger - my supposition
        • Jean Abraham GLEYRE (1675–) ?grandchild perhaps
          • Pierre Joseph GLEYRE (1711 - 1770)
            • Abraham Joseph GLARE (1755-) b. Chevilly
      • could Daniel GLEYRE (1635-) be his son too see below?
    • one other child
  • Andre Jean Louis GLEYRE GLARE (1576-)
    • children:
      • Daniel GLEYRE GLARE (1603-)
      • Samuel GLEYRE GLARE

Joseph L'aine GLEYRE (1600-)

  • Joseph l'Aine GLEYRE (c1600?-) dubious dates of birth “c1600” and parentage “Daniel Gleyre Glare (1575–)” in family trees online - needs definitive evidence of birth and father's DOB
    • m. unknown spouse
    • Jean Abraham GLEYRE GLARE(1675–) b. Chevilly (one family tree source on suggest parents were Abraham GLEYRE (b1640, son of Jean Baptiste GLEYRE b1600 and Susanne CORDEY) and Marie RICHARD but no evidence provided)
      • m. Jeanne Elisabeth GLEYRE (1675-) on 7th Dec 1701 (possibly his cousin)
      • Pierre Joseph GLEYRE (1711–1770) b. Chevilly
        • m. Jeanne FROMOND (1713-1781) b. Orny, Switzerland
        • Abraham Joseph GLEYRE (1755–1806) b. Chevilly
          • m. Arabella DAVIES (1763–1806) on 25th April 1786 in St. Anne, Soho, London, England
          • Mary Ann Glare(1789–) b. Westminster, London, England
          • William Glare(1791–1856)
          • John Joseph Glare(1795–1860) b. Holborn, Middlesex, England
          • James Glare(1803–1876) b. London

Joseph GLEYRE (1590-?) of Chevilly

  • could this be Joseph I'aine (“the elder”) Gleyre Glare (c1600-)?? but if so he would need to have had another son Joseph the younger perhaps - my supposition - see above
  • m. unknown spouse
  • Jean François GLEYRE (1625-) b. Chevilly
  • Daniel Gleyre (1635–1680)
    • m. Marguerite LUGEON (1650-)
    • Jean Francois GLEYRE (1663–1707)
      • m. Jeanne Elisabeth GLEYRE (1671-) in 1693 Chevilly
      • Jean Pierre GLEYRE(1694–)
      • Jean François Abram GLEYRE(1696–1740)
        • m. Marie GAUDIN (1700-1784)
        • Jean Pierre Joseph GLEYRE (1737-1820) b. Chevilly 1)
          • m. Jeanne Marguerite Susanne GUYAZ (1735-)b. in Sévery, 1141, Vaud; m. in 1758
          • Marie Françoise GLEYRE (1759-)
          • Pierre Abram GLEYRE (1761-1843)
            • m. Lisette LUGEON b. Chevilly
          • Susanne Marie GLEYRE (1763-)
          • Marie Anne GLEYRE (c1765-)
          • Jeanne Elisabeth GLEYRE
      • Pierre François GLEYRE(1701–)
      • Etienna GLEYRE(1703–)
      • Jean Siméon GLEYRE(1706–)
      • Benjamin GLEYRE (1708-1791)
        • m. Jeanne Judith LUGEON (1704-1778)
        • Jeanne Françoise GLEYRE(1731–1794)
        • Ann Susanne GLARE (1733–)
          • ?unknown spouse / children
        • Jean Georges GLEYRE (1736–1806)
          • m. Anne Louise BREDAZ (1744-) in 1777
          • Charles Alexandre Gabriel GLEYRE (1777-1816)
            • m. Susanne Henriette HUGUENIN (1780–1818) in 1801
            • Antoine Samuel Henry Gleyre(1802–1869)
            • Louis Henry GLEYRE(1804–1863)
            • Marc Charles Gabriel Gleyre(1806–1874) b. in Chevilly, Morges District, Vaud, Switzerland
          • Abram Louis GLEYRE(1779–)
          • Jean François Henry GLEYRE(1781–1868)
          • m. Jeanne Françoise PRENLELOUP
        • Jeanne Susanne Gleyre(1738–1794)
        • Joseph Louis GLEYRE(1740–1801)
        • Samuel Olivier GLEYRE(1742–1803)
        • Jean François GLEYRE(1744–1800) b. La Sarraz, Vaud
      • Samuel GLEYRE (1711-)
    • Simeon Gleyre(1665–)
      • m. unk spouse
    • Samuel Gleyre(1669–)
      • m. unk spouse
    • Jacob Gleyre(1670–1742) b. Morges
      • m. Claudine MORLOT (1687–) in Aug 1700
      • Samuel GLEYRE(1701–1770) b. Morges, 1110, , VD, Suisse
        • m. Susanne CERF (1716–) in 1729
        • David GLEYRE(1754–)
          • Pierre Samuel GLEYRE 1768-1853
            • m. Jeanne REYMOND (1768-1863) in 1803, Senarclens, 1304, VD, Suisse
        • Jeanne Susanne GLEYRE(1754–)
    • Pierre Joseph Gleyre(1676–)
      • m. unk spouse
  • Jean Baptiste GLEYRE(1640–) b. Chevilly
    • m. Judith MILOT (1656-)
    • Anne Marie GLEYRE(1669–) b. Lausanne, 1000, , VD, Suisse
      • m. unk spouse
    • Samuel GLEYRE(1671–) b. Lausanne, 1000, , VD, Suisse
      • m. unk spouse
    • Pierre Maurice GLEYRE (1673-1754)
      • m. Elisabeth JOUBERT (1690-)
      • Pierre Claude GLEYRE (1703-1744)
    • Marie GLEYRE 1676-
    • Marc Hugues GLEYRE(1679–) b. Lausanne, 1000, , VD, Suisse
      • m. unk spouse
    • Judith GLEYRE(1681–) b. Lausanne, 1000, , VD, Suisse
      • m. unk spouse
    • Jean Abraham GLEYRE(1684–1716) b. Lausanne, 1000, , VD, Suisse
      • m. unk spouse
    • Jean Jaques GLEYRE 1686-

Claude GLEYRE (1550-) of Chevilly

  • Louis GLEYRE (1570-)2)
    • Samuel GLEYRE 1600-
      • Pierre GLEYRE 1640-
      • Jean Jaques GLEYRE 1640-
      • Estienne GLEYRE 1645-1732
        • m. Jeanne GUEX 1658-
          • Jeanne Judith GLEYRE 1671-
          • Jeanne Elisabeth GLEYRE 1675-
          • Pierre Samuel GLEYRE 1677-1744
  • Andre GLEYRE (1591-) b. Chevilly
    • François GLEYRE 1605-/1679
      • Suzanne 1656- &1677
        • m. Jean François TISSOT 1652-
      • Samuel 1661-1734
        • Jean Jacques 1710-1782
          • m. Elisabeth TISSOT
          • Albert Samuel 1736-1782
            • m. Susanne Marianne GLEYRE 1734-
            • Jaques Louis 1770-1863
              • m. Barbara Susanne FELITNER †1821
              • Constant †1890
                • Constant Théophile Gérard 1822-1924
              • Juste Marc Louis 1809-1882 - probably the Juste Gleyre living in Lyon with Elise in 1876
                • m.Françoise Charlotte REY 1825-1857 in 1850
                • Adèle 1851-
                • Elise 1852-
                  • m. Marc ANDRIÉ 1844- in 1881
                • Félix 1854-
                • Céline 1854-
                • Inès Alice 1857-
      • Jean Pierre /1662- (son of François)
        • m. Elisabeth DUCIMETIÈRE /1663- in 1676
    • Joseph GLEYRE (1621-)
      • m. Pernette BLAUDET, born before 1622


  • Guillaume Glayre
    • Elizabeth Glayre
      • m. Jean Borgeau in 1601 at Eglise Reformee, Daillens, Vaud, Switzerland
  • Francois GLEYRE
    • Eve Gleyre
      • m. Jaques Prenleloup in 1622 at nearby Eglise Reformee, Daillens, Vaud, Switzerland
    • Simeon Gleyre
      • m. Antoine Rojard in 1635 at nearby Eglise Reformee, Rolle, Vaud, Switzerland

Which uncle looked after painter Charles Gleyre in Lyon c1812-1820?

  • according to Rhône, Census, 1836-1911 living in Lyon were:
    • Henry Gleire (c1804-) aged 52 in 1856
      • Chathilir Gleire
      • Either Gleire
      • Emis Gleire
    • Samuel Gleyre (1802-) aged 34 in 1836
      • Margte Gleyre aged 8
    • Juste Gleyre (c1811-) aged 65 in 1876 (descenant of Andre GLEYRE (1591-) as above)
      • Marie Gleyre aged 24
      • Elise Gleyre aged 23
    • Marie Gleyre (1812-) aged 34 in 1846
      • Mathilde GLEYRE aged 4
      • Marie GLEYRE aged 1
    • Louis Gleyre (1816-) aged 35 in 1851
      • m. Marie Gleyre aged 30
      • Lucie Gleyre aged 14
      • Jeanette Gleyre aged 12

Others emigrated to UK

  • Richard Glare d. 1587 Yevell, Somerset UK
  • Edward Glare d. c1608 Llandewig UK
  • Austine Glare d. 1656 General, England
  • Mau Gleyre court case Ireland 1744
  • Anna Gleyre d. 1747 Durrow, Kilkenny
  • Elizabeth Glayre court case England 1774
  • Lewis GLEYRE court case Ireland 1784
  • Abraham Joseph GLEYRE (1755–1806) was married in England 1786
  • Elias Glare court case England 1790
  • Elizabeth Gleyre b. Wiltshire, England aged 56 in 1851 and 67 in 1861
    • m. William Gleyre aged 64 in 1851
    • Mary A aged 23 in 1851
  • Isaac Glayre (c1781-) b. Switzerland aged 70 in 1851 living in Middlesex
    • m. Rosetta Glayre aged 58 in 1851

Others who emigrated to USA

  • Thomas GLARE emigrated to Philadelphia from England in 1804
  • James GLARE (1800-) emigrated to NY in 1824
  • Jeanette GLEYRE (c1772-) emigrated to NY in 1846
  • August Francois Ferdinand Gleyre 1811 - 1852 b. Chevilly
    • m. Marie Susanne Von Bergen in Geneva then family emigrated in 1850 to Madison, Illinois, United States 3)
    • Jean Louis Gleyre 1837 - 1900) b. in Rolle, Vaude
      • m. Nancy Catherine Dugger in 1873 in Madison, Illinois
genealogy/gleyre.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/10 00:58 by gary1

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