1895: X-rays were discovered by Rontgen forming the starting point of modern physics as well as revolutionising diagnostics in medicine.
1895: Ramsay showed that that a gas liberated from uranium had the same spectral characteristics as helium
1896 radioactivity of uranium was discovered by Becquerel, then in 1898, Curie discovered radium
Rutherford discovered alpha & beta rays and by 1899, the electron - the 1st sub-atomic particle - had been discovered.
1897: J.J.Thomson discovered that atoms were actually made of electrons, suggesting that atoms could be divided.
these, along with research into the photo-electric effect in 1898, were to set the scene for Rutherford to change our perception of matter with his vision of the atom & its structure, and for Einstein to change our perception of space and time.
1903: Rutherford renames “long penetrating rays” as gamma rays but their nature was uncertain
1903: Rutherford finally shows he can deflect alpha rays with both an electric field & a magnetic field & showed that the ratio of its charge to mass was approx. one half that for the hydrogen atom
1903: Soddy & Ramsay show that that a gas liberated from radium had the same spectral characteristics as helium
1903: Lenard using a cathode ray tube shows that an atom had an open structure & was mostly empty space
1904: Rutherford shows that the charge of an alpha particle is twice that of an electron & thus its mass must be 4 x that of hydrogen atom, therefore an alpha particle was probably an helium atom which was expelled during the process of disintegration
1904: the transmutation of radioactive elements:
Rutherford in his Bakerian lecture proposes that as the half period of radium is of the order of a thousand years, any radium that had been there 100,000yrs ago would have vanished, thus radium must be renewed by some very long-lived radioactive substance which he thought would be uranium. His theory was later supported when he showed that uranium ores from various parts of the world all had the same proportion of radium to uranium. He also predicted that the final breakdown element of many of these would be lead.
Rutherford also stated that the heat generated from radioactivity would slow down the cooling of the earth which would make Lord Kelvin's calculation of the age of the earth based on its current temperature of 20-40 million years to be too short.
1905: Einstein postulates his quantum theory to explain the photo-electric effect:
he interpreted results which showed that for each metal there is a critical wavelength above which no photo-electrons are emitted, as meaning that radiation could be regarded as made up of small 'packets' of energy, known as photons, when a metal is irradiated by such photons, some of the energy was used in ejecting electrons from the metal whilst the remainder was given up to the electrons.
the energy of a photon is dependent on the wavelength, or frequency, of the radiation concerned according to the basic equation of the quantum theory E = hv
1905: Rutherford discovers that thorium's radioactivity decays with a half-life ⇒ “disintegration theory”
1908: Rutherford proves that alpha particles are helium atoms and working with Geiger, use the scintillation method for measuring the scattering when a narrow beam of alpha rays passes through a thin sheet of metal
1909: Geiger & Marsden complete their scattering expts which surprisingly showed that occasionally, an alpha particle travelling at 10,000 miles/sec is bounced back, which suggested to Rutherford that atoms may have a small dense nucleus from which the particles bounced if hit directly.
1911: Rutherford's atom with a nucleus surrounded by electricity - his view of the atom as having a nucleus containing alpha particles, so well protected from, so inaccessible to, ordinary physical & chemical action, that it cannot be broken up by ordinary chemical or physical forces. The nucleus had a charge of magnitude Ne, where e = unit electronic charge & N is a whole number, and was surrounded by a sphere of electricity of the opposite kind. He could not say if the nucleus was positive or negative as either would account for the scatter paths of alpha rays.
1912: von Laue proves the wave nature of X-rays by passing them through a crystal & Moseley showed that different elements produce different X-ray spectra & that the square root of the characteristic frequency increased by a constant amount as one passed from one element to the next when the elements were arranged in order of atomic weight, but that it was the atomic number itself that correlated, not the weight. To Moseley, this proved that there is a fundamental quantity in an atom which increases by regular steps as we pass from one element to the next. This quantity can only be the charge on the central positive nucleus. Thus, the N in Rutherfords Ne nuclear charge was equivalent to the atomic number. He then predicted any missing elements could be identified using this & indeed 4 gaps were found & later elements were discovered to fill these gaps.
1912: Wilson devises his cloud chamber for photographing tracks of alpha particles
1913: after working with Rutherford, Geiger invents the Geiger counter
1913: discovery of isotopes - elements existing having identical chemical properties but different masses - suggested that nuclei have the same charge but different masses
1914: Rutherford and Andrade using X-ray crystal analysis methods, showed that gamma rays were of the same nature as X-rays but of shorter wave length