your flash has a “daylight” colour temperature of about 5600K
tungsten lighting has a colour temperature of 3400K
the sun's colour temperature is least red at midday when it is about 5500K, and then by sunset drops to about 3200K
the light from clouds gives a colour temperature of 6500-7500K
the light from blue sky gives a colour temperature of 9000-12,000K, which is why shadows on a sunny are very blue
a full CTO gel (orange) effectively converts your flash to tunsgten colour of 3400K
a 1/2 CTO gel will convert it to 3800K
a 1/4 CTO gel will convert it to 4500K
a 1/8 CTO gel will convert it to 4900K, and is often used by wedding photographers to give the bride's skin a bit of warmth
a 1/2 CTS (straw) gel is often used in preference to CTO for sunset warmth as the skin is said to look better