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camping with a wood stove

see also:

  • I don't sell any of these nor do I receive any remuneration if you buy them, and I have not personally reviewed all of them, they are listed here to give you perspective
  • - in Summer and Autumn in Victoria, can't light solid fuel fires including wood stoves if wind > 10kph until restrictions lifted - usually this is 1st May
  • some areas do not allow wood fires including wood stoves such as some National Parks (eg. Wilsons Prom)


  • they are NOT useful for keeping you warm while you sleep overnight as this is not only a safety risk but they need stoking every 30-45minutes (they use about 1kg kindling per hour)
  • you must take safety measures to ensure
    • your tent does not burn down
      • use a triple shielded chimney section where it passes through the tent
      • the stove is stable and won't fall over in strong winds
      • tent material is guyed out securely so it won't flap against the chimney or stove
      • there are no flammable materials close to the stove, especially above it or under it
      • use a fire mat under the stove as burning embers will fall out onto the floor
    • it is adequately ventilated so you don't get carbon monoxide poisoning - strongly consider an CO alarm
    • children and pets are kept away from the stove otherwise immediate 3rd degree burns will occur from the slightest of contact!
  • do NOT use anything other than dry seasoned wood in the stove
    • many other fuels such as paper will cause the fire to burn too hot and warp the stove
    • damp wood will result in low fire temperatures and major problems with soot and creosote which will make it hard to pull chimney sections apart and which may cause a chimney fire
  1. a floor-less tent with a fire resistant stove jack (4-12kg ~$AU400-800)
    • NB. the stove is likely to damage, melt or set fire to any usual tent floor or tarp!
    • in heavy rain, some water is likely to leak around the chimney, so you can either accept this given it is usually minimal or you may wish to explore options to reduce this such as:
      • using a silicone flashing - but these are relatively large and heavy for most polyester tents
      • have the stove jack on a vertical wall rather than the ceiling
        • this will require an angled chimney section and a chimney tripod support outside the tent
        • has the additional advantage that any tent fly can then fully cover the roof of the tent
  2. optionally, a PVC awning floor (~$AU100)
    • a large awning floor will make it more livable and PVC is less likely to burn than a tent floor, but nevertheless, keep away from stove or place a fire mat on top of it
  3. an inner mesh tent to sleep in (~$AU100)
    • many tents have this option, or, you can use a freestanding 2P mesh tent without its fly - this is my preference as it is very versatile but ensure it does not sit in a lake of water during heavy rain events - you really don't want to risk your sleeping gear getting wet!
    • when there are no insects around eg. Victorian winters, you can forego the inner mesh tent and just use a stretcher bed which will get your gear off the ground
  4. a wood stove (~$AU700)
    • I use the medium sized Winnerwell Nomad wood camping stoves as it is small enough to sit on the floor of the rear of my car
    • whilst the stainless steel water boiler is nice, it is not really needed if you wish to save space and costs - just sit a pot on the stove works just s well albeit without a tap
    • I do love the optional chimney oven - very handy indeed and will bake a 1.2kg butterflied roast lamb or using the two trays can do 600g or so in one tray and roasted vegetables in the other tray
    • you MUST buy the optional triple shielded chimney section if using inside a tent
  5. stove accessories
    • fire mat to place under the stove
    • cooking gear plus metal table top so you can place hot pots
    • a bubble level to make it easier to get your stove level whilst setting up
    • as oven temperature will not be constant, if cooking roasts in the oven strongly consider getting a Bluetooth meat thermometer such as a Meater (you don't want to open the oven door much as it loses a lot of heat and takes a while to get back up to temperature)
    • consider a stove fan to sit on the stove and recirculate the warm air through the tent
    • chimney pipe cleaner (can be done at home)
  6. wood and wood management gear
    • requires dry seasoned kindling (1kg/hour on average for the Nomad Medium stove)
    • consider a small Canadian wood splitter axe to make wood small enough to fit (this can double as your tent peg hammer!)
    • fire starters and matches or gas lighter
    • stove ash remover (not essential as you can tip the ash out at end of camp if its only a few days)
    • stove wood tongs to adjust the wood and save you burning your fingers
    • optional fire gloves - without them there is a risk of minor burns accidentally touching the door instead of the handle


too much smoke inside stove box and comes out when opening the stove door

excessive creosote build up in chimney

black creosote on glass