Table of Contents

Vidalido Land Yu 2Persons TC Cotton S-T139 Tent

see also:

  • I don't sell any of these nor do I receive any remuneration if you buy them, they are listed here to give you perspective


  • PROTECT the tent floor by putting a 1.8×2.4m heavy duty tarp UNDER it
    • I use a PolyTuff Extreme 1.8×2.4m polyolefin tarp and it is just big enough to be able to raise all 4 edges so the corners can be clamped to the poles and having the edges raised means that in a downpour of rain, water will not go over the tarp and under the tent floor so you have an extra layer of waterproofing as well as puncture protection - the eyelets of this tarp actualy line up nicely with the door toggles to additionally reinforce the sides being elevated!




My personal review

First impressions on setting up

My review of camping experience with it

Using it with a tarp in wind and rain

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