Table of Contents

night vision - a general overview

see also:


dark adaptation of your eyes

3 general types "night vision devices" for hunting

near IR night vision devices

far IR thermal imaging devices

optical monoculars or binoculars

how they improve your night vision

binocular astro light gathering power twilight factor exit pupil relative brightness index (RBI) = exit pupil2
surface area funnel effect compared to naked eye 6mm pupil = sqrt(mag x obj) =obj/mag young adult dark adjusted eyes 50 yr old dark adjusted eyes not dark adapted
increase in stellar limiting magnitude visible in dark skies (naked eye = 6 or ~3000 stars) 7mm pupil 5mm pupil 3mm pupil
8×23 15x +3 13.6 2.9 8 8 8
8×32 28x +3.8 (~100,000 stars) 16 4 16 16 9
7×42 49x +4.5 17.2 6 36 25 9
10×42 49x +4.5 20.5 4.2 18 18 9
7×50 69x +5.0 18.7 7 49 25 9
8×56 87x +5.5 21.2 7 49 25 9
10×50 69x +5.0 22.4 5 25 25 9
12×52 75x +5.2 25 4.3 18 18 9
15×70 136x +6.5 32.4 4.7 22 22 9

pros and cons vs other night vision devices

choosing a binocular