Table of Contents

Solo camping for women

see also:

  • This page is mainly for female solo campers who wish to enjoy the peace and connection with nature while feeling safe from other humans
  • thankfully, acts of violence against women are quite rare while camping in Australia, these are far more likely to occur in urban or domestic settings
  • in Victoria, there are no wildlife predators of humans to worry about - although koalas can make very loud noises at night - even guys get scared of these if they are not used to them!
  • in Victoria, if you follow some sensible rules, even if you don't do half of the following options, you should be able to feel safe and be safe so you can fully relax and enjoy your camp


Pre-planning (these apply to all campers male or female)

Choose a safe location

Ensure the weather will not cause issues

Minimising risks from other humans at camp grounds

  • self-defence weapons are NOT likely to be useful and are more likely to be used against you - safety is all about prevention and as a last resort fleeing via an escape route
  • motion detection alarms are NOT likely to be helpful as they will be triggered by harmless native animals such as kangaroos, wombats, etc and will likely cause more anxiety

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