Have just discovered this new blog which allows photographers from around the world to post information on cool spots to photograph.
Photographers can create a Knol photo guide using Google’s Knols then submit it to the local state or regional freephotoguides administrator for approval to linking into the system.
The photographer should title the Knol: “A Photographer’s Guide to XXXXXXXX” where XXXX is the name of the location you are
describing, and the subtitle should contain your State/Region and Country eg: NSW Australia.
More information about how to be an author is in this pdf.
I am not in any way affiliated with this project – yet 🙂
Have fun
Ooops, probably should have told you about that one – I was excited too, but it is quite light on content last I checked. I had grand plans for being a contributor, and eventually may even get around to doing it!! J