Table of Contents
index of my photography blog posts
see also:
On this blog in reverse chronologic order:
older posts
- why M43 is the ideal system to migrate from high end point and shoot cameras
- Micro Four Thirds to get sensor as sensitive as a Canon 5D Mark II in 2010?
- Panasonic GH-1 HD video of a bull ant at macro 10x optical zoom plus 2x digital zoom with autofocus
- A silent global shutter for Micro Four Thirds at last?
- Canon 550D vs Canon 7D vs Panasonic GH-1
- an afternoon at the Australian War Memorial museum with just one lens - Leica-D 25mm f/1.4 on a GH-1
- Olympus announces an entry level M43 - the E-PL1 - not just for dummies!
- Pentax 110 lens adapter for M43
- Australia Day in Melbourne 2010
- Next Panasonic M43 to get GPS and automatic local time update
- Infrared blocking filter modification available for Panasonic G1 and GH-1 cameras
- Shift adapters to convert Canon FD, Minolta and Contarex lenses into shift lenses on M43
- Which dSLR is best to compliment the almost mandatory M43 kit?
- M43 cameras pros and cons - you can't really ditch your dSLR yet
- Macrophotography for M43 - what options and what do we need?
- Optical viewfinders for your M43 cameras
- Implications of lens flange to sensor distance - M43 vs Samsung NX
- At last, a tilt adapter for M43 - convert all legacy 35mm film lenses into tilt lenses
- Time to get rid of those zooms - M43 is best with fast primes
- GF-1 + 20mm f/1.7 vs Canon 5D + 35mm f/1.4 lens
- New Year's Eve 2009 photos from Melbourne using the GH-1
- Photographing fireworks with the GH-1
- Sales of MFTs surge to 3 rd place behind Canon and Nikon dSLRs as at Dec 2009
- MFTs and ability to blur the background using OM wide angle lenses (compared to Canon 1D MIII)
- MFT's 6 months on - GH-1 or GF-1 or E-P2?
- I'm in love with my car and my GH-1
- 3500km road trip in 5 days - time to put away the Canon
- Panasonic GH-1 just brilliant for conferences
- New MFT options - Olympus E-P2 and two new Olympus lenses 9-18mm and 14-150mm
- Getting better results with autofocus and auto metering
- Perhaps Nikon is worried MFTs is becoming the iPod of the photographic world?
- 3 new Panasonic lenses coming - 8mm fisheye, 14mm f/2.8, 100-300mm
- MFT does infrared photography and video hand held with 25mm f/1.4 lens
- What a great macro shot! Olympus E-P1 with kit lens
- Panasonic 45mm f/2.8 OIS macro lens
- Epson's new EVF - the one that came to be used on the Olympus E-P2
- Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 or Panasonic Leica-D 24mm f/1.4 lens?
- Lens tests on the GH-1 - Canon 135mmL, 85mm f/1.8, 24-105L, OM 100mm, Panasonic 14-140mm
- Panasonic GH-1 with Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 lens
- Novoflex MFT adapters with aperture control for Nikon and Sony lenses
- Leica's new M9 - for the rest of us, the MFT will do the job
- Panasonic GH-1 at ISO 1600 and 3200 at an art gallery
- Lens tests on the GH-1 - 85mm and 135mm focal lengths - Canon, OM, Panasonic, Olympus
- Lens tests on the GH1 - 135mm lenses
- My dream MFT camera - will it come true?
- Panasonic officlally announces the GF-1, 20mm f/1.7 and 45mm f/2.8 macro lenses - comparisons with E-P1, GH-1 and G11
- Hiking in Alpine areas with your cameras - a win for the Panasonic GH-1 and Olympus E510 over the Canon 1DMIII
- The Milky Way with the Panasonic GH-1 and Leica-D 25mm f/1.4 lens
- Issues with the Panasonic GH-1
- OK, Olympus, now you have caught everyone’s attention, it’s time for a revamp
- Using Canon or Nikon flashes on Four Thirds/MicroFT cameras - Olympus or Panasonic
- The new Canon G11 vs Olympus E-P1 vs Panasonic GF-1
- The next Micro Four Thirds camera - the Panasonic GF-1?
- Having fun with the Panasonic GH-1 - an afternoon in the city with a few lenses
- better audio for your MFT videos - the Zoom H4N
- Panasonic GH-1 at 1400mm f/8 for close ups of the moon + HD video at 2800mm in 35mm terms!
- Panasonic GH-1 and Panasonic Four Thirds adapter - a little gotcha!
- Panasonic GH-1 as an evolution of the brilliant Olympus C8080-WZ
- New pinhole solutions for the Micro Four Thirds cameras
- Panasonic GH-1 vs Olympus E-P1
- Panasonic GH-1’s 14-140mm premium kit lens - how does it compare?
- Panasonic GH-1 with Canon EOS, Lensbaby and Olympus OM lenses
- Tweaking the Panasonic GH-1 - a few tricks you should know
- Finally, my Panasonic GH-1 has arrived - some initial impressions
- Micro Four Thirds - the digital revolution we have waited for - overcoming the problems of dSLRs and Point and Shoot cameras
- The revolutionary Olympus E-P1 micro four thirds digital camera is launched
- A look at the famous Olympus Pen and their lenses which are ideal for the Micro Four Thirds cameras
- Micro Four Thirds - the ultimate compact tilt/shift digital?
- Which wide aperture lenses for the Panasonic GH-1?
- Panasonic GH-1 coming soon, I’m buying one
- Panasonic announce pricing and availability of their GH-1 video Micro Four Thirds camera kit
- Olympus announce their 1st revolutionary Micro Four Thirds camera will be available mid 2009
- Which interchangeable lens cropped sensor kit to buy in 2009?
- The promise of Micro Four Thirds is realised - continuous AF in video mode in a dSLR 2x crop sensor super compact interchangeable lens system
- Leica M lens adapter for Micro Four Thirds
- The walk-around telephoto zoom kit - comparisons of various systems
- The walk-a-round camera kit
photo/myblogposts.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/29 01:28 by gary1