Table of Contents
indoor photography ideas for a rainy day
if it is raining you should perhaps be looking for shots outdoors in the rain!
check your equipment
- clean your digital camera sensor
- ideally need to take a photo of a spotless subject such as the blue sky wth camera set to f/16 so you can see the dust on the sensor
- clean your lenses and filters
- microadjust your autofocus
- not needed for mirrorless cameras, but all dSLRs which have a microadjustment option should be calibrated to ensure you are getting the sharpest possible photos
manage all those photos
- post-process photos
- resize and upload to web
- most importantly back them up in at least 2 different places
indoor available light portraits
- you will generally need a lens with a wide aperture such as f/1.4-f/2.0, and of course a subject, and perhaps a window for lighting
photographic studio lighting
- see also studio flash
- most macrophotography is best achieved indoors out of the wind which will cause havoc with your shallow depth of field (DOF)
- macrophotography ideas include:
- insects and spiders
- leaves and tiny flowers
light painting
- use a camera on tripod with a long exposure, and a torch (eg. single LED flash light) or similar continuous light in a darkened room to “paint” light over your subject
- the subject does not need to be a person, here are some other ideas:
- warning: do not do burning steel wool in flammable environments such as most indoor situations!
water photography indoors
- photographing fluids pouring into a wine glass can create fanastic imagery
- photographing glycerin pouring into water inside fish bowls
- photographing dropping objects into water
- photographing bubble blowing
- photographing a champagne glass with sparklers to accentuate bubbles
- photographing bubbles and droplets inside a glass of water
- photographing frozen soap bubbles as they freeze
- you need outside air temperatures to drop below -15C degrees - not going to happen in Australia!
- Chris Ratzlaff uses a recipe to optimise bubble stability by creating a thick solution:
- 200ml warm water
- 35ml corn syrup
- 35ml dish soap
- 2tbs sugar
- chill in the freezer
- photographing water pouring from a bottle
Watching soap bubbles as they freeze
smoke photography
still life photography
- glassware
- silverware
- plastic objects - birefringent polarised light photography
photo/indoor_ideas.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/10 23:32 by gary1