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Affinity Photo image editor


  • Affinity Photo is an image editing software designed to replace most of your Photoshop needs without having to pay an ongoing subscription
  • it has a number of advantages over Photoshop such as:
    • no ongoing subscription
    • built in RAW editor
    • Live preview of drop down effects and brush effects before they are applied
    • Live preview of gradients and able to edit these at a later stage
    • far easier object dragging - no need to go through the cumbersome process of converting to smart objects
    • ability to go to full screen mode
  • it has many advantages over Lightroom:
    • no ongoing subscription
    • no need to import photos to edit - can drag and drop from Explorer
    • avoid changing the original file by select Save As instead of Save, and the default is an AffinityPhoto file format which keeps all your layers and the original file intact for future editing 1)
    • 32-bit HDR workflows and far more control over HDR tone mapping
    • PS-like editing tools
      • compositing (including AffinityPhoto files as embedded documents) 2) and drawing tools
      • layers3) and masking4)
      • frequency separation for smoothing skin more naturally
      • liquefy effects
      • channel swapping for color infrared images - new adjustment layer - channel mixing - change red and blue channels 5)

Understanding the different sharpening options

frequency separation for landscapes

Add sun ray light beams and ground fog to your backlit forest image

    • select highlights, create a layer for the highlight selection using Ctrl-J then de-select using Ctrl-D
    • add a Zoom Blur with radius 700px, move source point then apply.
    • intensify effect my making multiple duplications of the layer and then group them.
    • optionally re-align and resize the effect by using the Move tool
    • rasterise the group
    • set blend mode to Screen and set blend range Out to 50%.
    • Add Gaussian blur to bottom of rays by Add Live Filter Gaussian Blur (around 4px) then add a Gradient with white near the bottom and change the gray dot to black via the Color picker at top right.
    • Add hazy fog effect by adding a Curves layer, raise the black point to half way up and add a vertical gradient so this leaves a layer of fog at the bottom only.
    • Add texture to the fog, by creating a new pixel layer, add a Perlin noise filter and set the blend mode to Overlay and optionally add a gradient mask to it.
    • Add cyan darkening to trees in shadows by adding a curves layer and bring up blacks by 5% and in the red channel, also bring up the blacks 5%.
    • Finally, tweak the effect by adjusting the opacity of the layers.
photo/affinityphoto.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/13 12:41 by gary1

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