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toileting when hiking or camping


  • toileting is one of the main issues overnight campers and hikers have to address appropriately
  • having a pee is not usually an issue for males (and some females) who are happy to do it in a discrete location in the bush - ladies PLEASE do NOT leave toilet paper around - take it with you back to camp and place in a garbage bag to take home
    • many women prefer to pee into a bucket over night especially in winter rather than walk in the cold to the toilets
    • these buckets can have a “Thunderbox style toilet lid” or just a swimming pool noodle around the edge to make it more comfortable
    • to assist ladies having a pee in the bush or in toilets whilst standing up, there are plastic funnel shaped gadgets for this purpose eg.
  • having a number two can be more problematic especially if there are no camp toilets
    • some prefer just to skip going to the toilet for number twos for one to two nights although this is likely to make you uncomfortable and not enjoy the trip as much
    • when hiking without toilets, you either have to bury the poo or place it in plastic bags and take it home with you (there are special hiking poo containers for this)
    • “Flushable wipes” should ONLY be used in normal sewerage systems or a maximum of 2 can be used in large commercial septic systems
    • if you wish to use wipes for added cleanliness (a great idea when there are no showers), then put them in your rubbish bag to take home or place in a rubbish bin
    • Do NOT put the following down septic tanks:
      • chemicals, cigarette butts, paper towels, sanitary tampons, condoms, disposable diapers, anything plastic or similar non-biodegradables
  • Do NOT BURY toilet waste near streams - you must be at least 50m from a stream

Flush toilets

sewerage systems

  • these are as would be found in urban houses and you should treat them as you normally would
  • they are only likely to be found in commercial caravan parks near towns

commercial septic systems

  • these may be found on large rural camp sites such as Tidal River camp ground Wilsons Prom
  • in general only toilet paper should be used but a maximum of 2 “flushable wipes” at a toilet episode may be OK 1)

small septic systems

  • these are the most common flush toilets found on non-commercial camp grounds
  • DO NOT flush anything down these apart from toilet paper
  • flushable wipes are highly likely to clog these and put them out of action until unclogged by professionals

Drop toilets

  • these are the most common toilets at more remote camp grounds
  • DO NOT put anything down these apart from toilet paper
  • ensure you always leave the lid down when finished - reduces flies and more importantly, reduces smells wafting into the camp ground
  • these can get over-full on busy long weekends - plan your camp site accordingly depending on likely wind directions!
  • they are usually pumped out every week or two
  • take your torch at night and check for wildlife and spiders - although in reality these are not common issues
  • the biggest problem tends to be people - not leaving the lid down and leaving toilet paper, or worse, lying around - don't be one of these people!

BYO Toilets

chemical portable loos

  • these are relatively affordable starting at around $130 but are rather big, bulky, cumbersome and require relatively expensive chemicals and maintenance and some can leak
  • mainly for those in caravans or campervans
  • tend to have a 15L or more flush water tank and a 12L or more waste tank
  • for one person with average use, can be used for 3-5 days before the waste tank requires emptying into a sewerage toilet (not a septic toilet) or dump point
  • eg. Thetford Porta Pottis
  • eg. Joolca Gottago - separates urine from solids for less smell and enables bag disposal or compost disposal
  • do NOT dispose of the waste from these down septic tanks or down drop toilets!!!


  • these are essentially a strong plastic paint can in which you place a rubbish bag (preferably one which will decompose so you can bury it if you have to) and has a toilet seat to place on top to make it more comfortable and to contain the smells
  • these can double up as stools, water containers and as rubbish or storage bins so can be quite handy
  • these are a far better option than a drop toilet if you start vomiting on your trip - although emesis bags would be an even better option for this!

"Poo pots"

  • these are the preferred method of managing waste (rather than burial) when doing overnight hikes where there are no toilets
  • use biodegradable bags to collect stool, squish the air out and put them into waterproof sealed containers to take back to the nearest toilets - even drop toilets

Bush burial

  • as a last resort, you can dig a hole in which to toilet then bury it
  • MUST be at least 50m from streams
  • overnight hikers generally will carry a small plastic hiking trowel
    • be aware that in many areas the ground is rock hard and this may be difficult even with a shovel let alone with a small plastic hiking trowel!
australia/toileting.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/09 12:57 by gary1

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