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overnight hiking camping checklist

see also:

  • tips for packing your back pack
    • don't take too much gear - take only the essentials
    • pack in order of when you will need it - for most that means packing your tent LAST so it is readily accessible and you are not forced to unpack your whole pack in the rain
    • pack your wet fly SEPARATELY in its own bag (or outside your pack) to your dry inner tent to keep the inner dry
    • use a waterproof pack liner or garbage bag to help ensure your clothes etc stay dry inside the backpack
    • make sure your water filter (assuming you plan to drink stream water en route) and first aid kit is readily accessible

leave no trace principles

  • plan ahead - small groups, prepare for extreme weather, avoid high demand, repackage food to avoid waste
  • camp on durable surface (established camp sites, rock, gravel, dry grass) at least 200' from a stream
  • dispose of poo waste properly
    • bring a small shovel and dig at least 15cm deep cat holes for toilet 200' from stream and cover see how to poo in the bush
      • better still bring “poo pots” and take your poo back to a toilet
        • a non-collapsible waterproof container you can carry waste in
        • poo into a corn starch bag, then you squash all the air out of the bag and put it into the poo pot
        • you then can put the corn starch bags into the toilet as they are biodegradable
    • use small amounts of biodegradable soap
    • scatter strained dishwater
  • leave what you find
  • minimise campfire impacts - use a stove and also a candle lantern for light
  • respect wildlife and avoid wildlife during sensitive times: mating, nesting, raising young, or winter
  • be considerate to other visitors

essentials for hiking overnight

  • backpack
  • tent 2 person tent is perhaps ideal for most if hiking this should be under 2-2.5kg
  • tent pegs 110g
  • sleeping bag rated down to expected minimum temperatures 600g
  • sleeping bag liner - silk or if very cold region, consider a thermal liner 60g
  • insulated sleeping mat 590g
  • +/- pillow 120g
  • head torch and batteries 100g
  • trekking poles 480g
  • total excl. backpack = 3400g

photography gear

  • map in water proof container
  • compass
  • GPS device
  • radio beacon EPIRB 280g
  • whistle
  • mylar type thermal blanket (reflective surface also works well for signalling) 45g
  • inform others as to where you are going and when you will be back
  • if you wear glasses, take a back up pair in case they break or get lost!

UV protection

  • sunglasses
  • sun hat
  • sunscreen

wet weather gear

  • rain jacket 350g
  • waterproof overpants 150g
  • total = 500g


  • 1L water bottle
  • 3L water wide neck flask to carry water to camp site for cooking, etc
  • consider water filter or sterilisation tablets (but these do not kill cryptospiridium cysts nor viruses)
  • consider Camelbak All Clear UV sterilisation kit and bottle
    • unlike tablets or filter devices, kills >99% viruses, bacteria and protozoa (giardia, cryptosporidium) and does it within 60secs with agitation of the 750mL bottle
    • 1 full USB charge will do 60L water
    • BUT adds 256g to your kit and requires clear water - if cloudy, pre-filter then run through micro filter twice, then do 2 cycles of UV
  • 450g + 2000g water?

food, snacks, stove and kitchen

  • mug 90g, spoon, knife +/- fork
  • bowl 90g +/- plate
  • consider chopping board, tea towel, scourer
  • stove
  • fuel
  • matches
  • pot / frypan / kettle
  • sink
  • food
  • snacks
  • rubbish bag to bring home any rubbish


  • multi-tool knife 100g
  • repair tape 30g
  • scissors
  • needle and thread

first aid

  • blister patches
  • band aids
  • cotton buds
  • tissues
  • analgesics
  • aspirin
  • usual meds and adrenaline epiPen if anaphylaxis risk
  • compression bandage for snakebite or injury

personal care

  • consider toilet paper or wet wipes (gas lighter to incinerate them)
  • trowel for toileting hole 100g
  • toothbrush (for ultralight, use a childrens bamboo handle brush) / toothpaste (consider chewing toothpaste tablets then brushing) / floss / comb
  • take care of your feet in particular on long hikes
    • keep your toe nails trimmed otherwise you may get black toenails or cause skin damage to adjacent toes - bring nail scissors or Swiss army knife with scissors on long through hikes
    • keep your feet washed and dry as often as possible
    • always take your socks off while you are having a break from hiking so your feet can breathe and dry out
    • clean your socks regularly
    • always take two pairs of socks - one for night and one for hiking and then alternate socks each day
    • prevent blisters by ensuring:
      • feet are as dry as possible
      • if a part starts to hurt, stop and address it as soon as possible - look for the cause and fix it, consider adding protective elastoplast or similar
      • if you get a blister, pass a needle and thread through the blister and leave the thread in there whilst hiking to keep it draining so fluid doesn't accumulate resulting in the blister de-roofing and cover with elastoplast or similar - obviously remove the thread as soon as you can get it managed properly - a blister can be a source for life threatening cellulitis infection so prevent them!
    • elevate your feet when having a break to freshen up your feet and leg muscles
    • use a bidet instead of toilet paper on long through hikes
      • saves carrying soiled paper home with you in your backpack
      • cleans your butt better than paper - aim the water stream so it is not under your butt but hitting it from the side - don't want soiled water falling back onto your bidet
      • can attach a bidet device to a drink bottle or have a separate bidet bottle
    • take a super-concentrated biodegradeable liquid soap - can store it in a tiny eye drops plastic squeeze bottle (make the hole larger) which will last a week of hiking a few drops at a time

hiking clothes

  • boots or sturdy runners
  • socks
  • gaiters 210g
  • shorts or lightweight trouser
  • shirt

night time gear for socialising, keeping warm and for relaxing

  • candles if communal hut - not so safe for tents!
  • snacks
  • +/- wine
  • music, earphones (?smartphone and power pack 130g)
  • +/- book
  • warm dry clothes:
    • dry shoes and socks
    • thermal long pants and top
    • trousers
    • down vest or puffy jacket 520g
    • beanie 120g
    • gloves 120g
    • spare shirt?
    • total = 1000-1500g

total weight

  • Aarn body pack
  • rear backpack:
    • shelter, etc 2900g
    • wet weather clothes 500g
    • water 1000g
    • warm clothes 1000g
    • miscellaneous excl. food, stove 800g
    • tripod 500g
    • total excl. backpack 7.5kg
  • front packs:
    • water 1300g
    • photo gear 2500g
    • snacks
  • hike wear:
    • gaiters, trekking poles 750g
australia/camping_checklist.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/02 06:17 by gary1

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