ASCII Text Import/Export
- Steps:
- create a SCHEMA file:
- open Notepad or other text editor
- create an ASCII text file of same name as
file to be imported or exported except
name extension as "SCH" as this
will be a schema file for the BDE ASCII
driver to use to configure the ascii file
- format for schema file is as follows:
- [xxx] where xxx is the name of
the ascii file
- FileType=[Fixed,Varying]
- if varying then need to add the
following lines too:
- Delimiter=" (or
Delimiter=#9 if tab
- Separator=,
- CharSet=ascii
- Fieldy=FieldName,FieldType,NumberOfCharacters,NumberOfDigitsAfterDecimal,Offset
- where:
- y = field number (an
- FieldName is <= 25
characters not including:
- FieldType =
- NumberOfCharacters:
- must be <= 20 for
numeric data types
- must be maximum
number of characters for
date, time, timestamp
- NumberOfDigitsAfterDecimal:
- currently doesn't
work so can leave as 0
- Offset:
- applies only to
fixed-length records
(make it 0 for delimited
- no. of chars from
beginning of record to
where this field begins
- example:
- [CNS]
- FileType=Fixed
- CharSet=ascii
- Field1=CNS_ID,LongInt,3,0,0
- Field2=Lab_ID,Char,10,0,5
- Field3=Sample_Number,Char,15,0,18
- Field4=Material,Char,15,0,36
- Field5=Method,Char,8,0,54
- Field6=Weight,Float,6,4,64
- In Delphi project form:
- add 2 TTable components,
one will be source table & other the
destination table, set properties:
- Databasename = location of files
- Exclusive = true
- TableType = ttASCII for source
Table if importing, for
destination table if exporting
- Tablename = ascii file or
database table depending on
whether source/destination as
- optionally, create a filter to
restrict which records will be
- add a TBatchMove component
and set its properties:
- source = source TTable
- destination = destination TTable
- mode = [batCopy to create a new
table, batAppend to append
- optionally, set mappings if you
want to rename fields or only
import some fields
- call the TbatchMove execute
method and procedure will run.
- NB. if exporting to ASCII and a
SCH file was not used, the BDE
will export as fixed length by
default and create a SCH file
automatically which can be used
later if that file needs to be
Using TTable to view an ASCII
- limitations:
- there is no support for indexes or functions that
use them, but you can use Filter
- you must open it for exclusive use (ie. Exclusive
= true)
- you cannot use a TQuery
- you cannot delete records
- you cannot insert records but you can append them
Using Delphi's Text-File I/O
Using 3rd party components:
- FITCO's freeware Tascii2DB (dbcvt.pas):
- no need to create a SCH file as this
functionality is accessed via setting properties,
no need for TBatchMove
- allows:
- use of onParse event to:
- modify imported data &
calculate values for each record
- use of onBeforePost event to:
- creation of error files
- progress bar
- problems:
- if delimited files with ", fields
with uneven number of " characters
generate an error
- dates must be converted to dd/mm/yy[yy]
as mmm format creates error