- source of visible light:
- movement of an electron from one orbital to another results in a
quantum of light given off with frequency related to the potential
energy difference
- sun, stars
- hot bodies - see heat
- chemical reactions
- artificial light sources:
- thermal - light from incandescent solid contains all visible
wavelengths, though in varying intensities
- gas discharge - light by maintaining electric current in a gas
at low pressure has its intensity in one or a few narrow bands
- eg. low pressure mercury vapour => blueish + UV
- fluorescent lamp - UV discharge from mercury, absorbed by fluorescent
substances affixed to wall of lamp which re-emit
the radiant energy with a shift into the visible range with
the color dependent on the fluorescent substance (eg. calcium
tungstate - blue; zinc silicate - green; cadmium borate -
pink; or mixtures for white)
- luminescent
- see
- fluorescence:
- a process in which a substance absorbs radiant energy & then
immediately re-emits an appreciable part of it with its wavelengths
longer than those absorbed.
- phosphorescence:
- in some materials, the molecules disturbed by the absorption of light
do not immediately return to their original state, and the emission of
light continues after the exciting radiation is removed, resulting in
delayed fluorescence.
- scattering of light by
- molecules in the air scatter light especially short wavelengths, and
the scattered light is partly plane polarised
- the Rayleigh effect:
- the amount of scatter inversely proportional to the 4th power of
the wavelength
- this results in the short wavelengths being scattered most & thus
a clear sky appears blue & as light near the horizon passes through
more atmosphere, even more short wavelengths are scattered away from the
rays & thus sunsets & sunrises are left with longer wavelengths
visible resulting in orange sunsets & sunrises.
- similarly, a projector beam when viewed from the side appears
- luminous flux (F):
- the part of the radiant energy per unit time that is effective in
producing the sensation of light
- 1 lumen = luminous flux in a unit solid angle from a point source of 1
- luminous intensity:
- luminous intensity of a point source (I) = luminous flux (F) /
solid angle (w)
- mean spherical luminous intensity = avg. intensity of a source
measured in all directions
- total flux = 4pi * mean spherical luminous intensity
- units: 1 candle = 1/60th the luminous intensity of a sq. cm of
a black body radiator operated at 2046degK (freezing pt platinum)
- luminance (B) (luminous intensity of an extended source):
- luminance = luminous flux / (surface area of source * cos b *
solid angle), b = angle from the normal to the source surface area
- units: candles per of projected area (NB. 1 lambert = (1/pi)
candle per sq. cm)
- examples in candles per sq. metre:
- surface of sun = 2 x 109; tungsten lamp filament at
2700degK = 107; white paper in sunlight = 25,000;
- flourescent lamp = 6000; clear sky = 3200; white paper in
moonlight = 0.03;
- illuminance:
- illuminance onto a surface (E) = luminous flux / surface area,
(unit is lumen per square meter = meter-candle)
- for a point source, E = (I/s2)cos a
- where I = luminous intensity, s = distance from source, a =
angle of source from the perpendicular of the surface
- hence, the intensity of sunlight is less in winter than summer
as the angle from the zenith is greater, compounded by some
atmospheric extinction as there is more atmosphere through which
it must pass.
- efficiency of a light source:
- efficiency = luminous flux / power consumption (ie. units are lumens
per watt)
- eg. tungsten lamps 10-16 lumen/watt; fluorescent lamps: 35-50
- light from ordinary sources is unpolarised - its waves run in all planes
perpendicular to the direction of the light
- a polarising filter can be imagined as a grid of vertical lines which only
allows through the waves that run in a plane parallel to the grid lines
& blocking all other planes
- when unpolarised light is reflected or refracted through glass, the
reflected or refracted rays are partly plane-polarised
- the angle of incidence, p, called the polarising angle, for which
the polarisation of the reflected beam is complete is related to the index
of refraction of the medium
- Brewster's law: tan p = index of refraction
- at the polarising angle (57deg for glass), none of the vibrations that
lie in the plane of incidence is reflected, thus the reflected beam is
plane polarised, but of relatively low intensity since only ~8% of the
incident beam is reflected at the polarising angle.
- the transmitted beam is not completely plane polarised at the
polarising angle, unless many plates of glass are used, which also
increases the intensity of the reflected polarised beam.
- intensity of polarised beam:
- Malus' law: intensity of polarised beam = intensity of incident
beam * cos2 (angle of incidence)
- double refraction:
- when text is viewed through a crystal of calcite, two images of the
text are visible, this is double refraction, 1st observed by Bartholinus
in 1669.
- Huygen's in 1690, observed that the rays which produced the two images
were plane-polarised, in mutually perpendicular planes
- unlike most optical materials we have experience with which are
isotropic, calcite's crystal structure is a rhombohedron and thus when
light falls obliquely on its surface, the light is split into two parts
& both are refracted, with one ray having a constant index of
refraction (the ordinary ray), whilst the 2nd ray is regarded as
being an extraordinary ray as its index of refraction changes
with the angle of incidence.
- Nicol in 1832, used an artifice to separate these rays to give a
single beam of plane-polarised light - the Nicol prism.
- dichroic:
- certain crystals (eg. tourmaline), known as dichroic, produce two
internal beams polarised at right angles to each other & in
addition, strongly absorb one beam while transmitting the other,
although the transmitted light is colored.
- Herapth in 1852, discovered that dichroic crystals of quinine
iodosulphate (herapathite) transmit a beam as plane-polarised light with
transmission close to the ideal 50% for all wavelengths of visible light
- Land in 1929 invented a practical method for embedding the tiny
synthetic crystals of herapathite (~1011 per in a
transparent cellulosic film 0.001-0.004" thick in uniform alignment
which acted like a single huge crystal - the Polaroid sheet, with
its ability to be bonded to glass, had the advantage of large size, low
cost & polarising effectiveness approaching that of the Nicol prism
except at the extremities of the spectrum.
- more recently, Polaroid materials have been prepared by aligning
molecules (eg. polymeric iodine in polyvinyl alcohol or polyvinylene)
rather than tiny crystals, which have greater stability & freedom
from scattered light.
- when two Polaroid light polarisers are held in the line of vision in
the crossed position, no light gets through & the field of view is
dark. If a crystal of quartz or a tube of sugar solution is placed
between these polarisers, the light reappears as these are optically
active substances and rotate the plane of polarisation.
- polarisation by scattering:
- when a strong beam of light is passed through a region containing no
fine particles, it is not visible from the side. If, however, the beam
is intercepted by fine particles such as smoke, dust, colloidal
suspensions, the beam is partly scattered, and becomes visible.
- in this Tyndall effect, the color & intensity of the scattered
light depend on the size of the particles.
- very small particles scatter chiefly blue light, as the particles are
made larger, the longer wavelengths are also scattered until the
scattered light appears white.
- scattered light is partly plane-polarised (hence the effectiveness of
a photographic polarising filter in making the blue sky darker, which is
maximal at 90deg. from the sun)
- optically active substances:
- materials that have the property of rotating the plane of polarisation
while transmitting polarised light are called optically active
- polarimeters are instruments for measuring optical rotation.
- photoelasticity:
- certain materials such as glass become doubly refractive under
mechanical strain. & when the material is placed between a crossed
polariser & analyser, patterns of interference fringes can be
observed & can be used for detecting strains in glassware, plastics,