Focusing a telescope
Causes of a blurred image:
- excessive camera movement when shutter is opened:
- this may be a problem due to the vibrations caused by a mirror in an
SLR opening
- Solution is to set the mirror to up position at least 5-10secs
prior to exposure
- may also be caused by the shutter mechanism itself, eg. the Canon EOS
cameras are notorious for this
- Solution is to try the hat trick - you control the exposure
manually by placing an obstruction in front of the lens or
- excessive movement of the telescope during the exposure:
- this may be due to residual vibrations from when you last touched the
- solutions include using vibration pads on feet of tripod to
shorten vibration duration and use a self timer or remote trigger to
start the exposure
- this may be due to wind:
- solution is to avoid wind
- poor tracking or guiding of the telescope:
- if high magnification, then poor seeing due to atmospheric or telescope
- telescope aberrations:
- if the centre is in focus but not the outer areas, this means that the
optics do not have a "flat field"
- solution is to but a field flattener or get a different telescope
- other aberrations may be due to optic design or poor collimation.
- camera cannot get to infinity focus:
- this may be a problem with some digital cameras with lens set to
manual focus (eg. Olympus C8080)
- solution is to use auto-focus on an object near infinity then lock
the focus.
- this is more likely to be a problem when you attach a SLR to a
telescope, as the telescope may not have sufficient "back
focus" to allow the camera to get close enough to focus at
- Solution is to buy a different focuser for the telescope which
allows camera to get closer physically.
- focus is innacurate:
- this is a most common cause as it is very difficult to achieve
accurate focus manually, especially through a digital SLR
- Solutions are outlined below.
a camera on a telescope:
- focusing a digital camera can be very difficult when trying to get
accurate focus of faint objects.
- autofocus:
- with any AF lens that is f2.8 or slower, autofocus with the center
spot cannot be bettered by any manual means, thus use AF with focal
lengths > 100mm
- to lock in AF: After focusing on a bright star you just turn off Autofocus on the
lens. The Canon lens focuser ring is very stable even if you change position of the
- focal lengths < 100mm, AF may not lock on a star, thus either
focus at infinity in daylight and lock focus in, or use a laptop to
- manual focus mode on camera set to infinity then use the magnified image
in viewfinder or on LCD screen to attempt focus of the telescope, but this
by itself may be impossible to see much, so here are some options
- live view camera LCD screen with 7-10x magnification is THE EASIEST
- eg. most modern dSLRs - I wouldn't buy one without Live Preview
- most can focus on a bright star (eg. magnitude 3 or brighter) but
often have trouble on really bright objects such as the moon unless it
substantially fills the screen.
- Olympus models have the additional benefit of Live Boost mode which
allows use of fainter stars.
- magnifying viewfinder for camera:
- eg. Canon Angle Finder C or Stiletto Series IV focuser but these may
make image darker to see
- eg. adapted Olympus OM Varimagni finder for use on Canon dSLRs
- Angle Finder C + special viewscreen "I" (clear center spot + crosshairs) works fine at
night but only available for certain dSLRs.
- interchangeable focusing screens in the camera:
- Canon 10D has a interchangeable focusing screen whereas the DRebel/300D/Kiss
does not and you are stuck with a fresnel screen not very suited to
- diffraction mask on the telescope:
- laptop-based:
- see also remote control of
cameras via laptop
- manual method:
- If you do have a laptop, but not the focusing software, you could
take a shot in low it using the Canon
Utility...look at it... adjust focus...and repeat until you get it
right. I know, it sounds like a pain, but one can get
perfect focus in 5 to 10 minutes using this method. BTW, this
is the same principle used with the software's just
- with the new Live Preview
dSLRs, some can transmit live images to the laptop which can speed
this process up significantly BUT the prolonged use of Live Preview
may increase noise in subsequent images due to heating of the
- automated method using dedicated software:
- external monitors
- attach the external monitor to the camera, take an image and display
it on the monitor; no real time feedback. The monitor is much
larger than the camera's LCD, so it just aids in manual focusing with no
feedback other than your own "eyeballing."
Ronchi focuser (from Yahoo forum posts by Bill
- Stellar Technologies
International (STI), Series IV Stiletto focuser
- can be used with several different Ronchi rulings or a knife edge,
they are interchangeable, but the Ronchi rulings are very fragile
- The focuser uses a Ronchi grating of 180 lines/inch to achieve critical focus
- The principle of operation is the same for knife edge or Ronchi. The Ronchi ruling is a periodic bar pattern
that is positioned near the primary focus of the telescope. The
periodic bar pattern interupts the diffraction pattern of a single
star and thus acts as a spatial filter when it is exactly at focus
(Ronchi pattern in the focal plane of the telescope). One can
imagine the ruling bar blocking the star's central Airy disk at
focus. The Stiletto optical system includes a re-imaging lens and a
Ploessl eyepiece which image the pupil plane of the telescope when in
focus. The telescope central obscuration is present in the imaged
When first set up, you see a bar pattern that changes spatial
frequency as you attempt to focus. Increasing spatial frequency
indicates movement away from focus. Simply adjust the focus to
reduce the bar pattern to a single "bar" that covers the entire
pupil. At this point, you are in focus and the bar is either lighter
or darker depending very critically on focus position. Focus is
achieved quickly. The Stiletto is then removed and the camera is
attached. The assumption is that the distance to camera focal plane
is the same as the distance to the Ronchi ruling.
- focus sensitivity will be a function of the Ronchi ruling spatial frequency, that is, the 300 line/inch ruling will
produce a tighter focus than the 180 line/inch ruling. This would
especially be important for faster optics with a smaller depth of
field and smaller Airy disk. Compare the size of the bar to the Airy
disk. Image brightness and contrast may work in the opposite
direction, with the 180 line/inch image being brighter than the 300
line/inch image.
- The knife edge is the ultimate focus aid, since it would be more
sensitive to focus error than any Ronchi ruling. It blocks one half
of the star's diffraction pattern. The claim is that it is more difficult to use, since it is easy
to move right through focus without noticing it. Use of the Ronchi
is more forgiving.
- They are both spatial filters since they are at the Fourier plane of the
telescope. The size of the Airy disk is linearly proportional to the
focal ratio.
- Airy disk = 2.44*(wavelength)*F#, thus for f/10, =
2.44*(0.5 micrometers)*10 = 12.2 micrometers
- A 180 line/inch Ronchi ruling has a bar size of 141 micrometers,
about twelve times larger than the Airy disk. So a single Ronchi bar
may block the central order of the diffraction pattern (Airy disk) as
well as quite a bit more of the circularly symmetric star diffraction
pattern when it is in the focal plane. This is why, when looking
into the Stiletto, the pupil image is either dark or light at focus -
dark if a bar is centered or near centered on the Airy disk, light if
the space is centered or near centered on the Airy disk. Only
a "single bar" is left when at focus.
- For a telescope focused at infinity, i.e., a star, the Fourier plane
and the image plane are the same. The magnitude squared of the
Fourier transform of the amplitude and phase distribution across the
circular aperture of a telescope is the diffraction pattern seen in
the focal plane. The image of a star is the resulting diffraction
pattern. Again, the image of a star is the magnitude squared of the
Fourier transform of the aperture function. If the telescope has
phase distortions or a central obscuration, the diffraction pattern
represents the magnitude squared of Fourier transform of those phase
and amplitude distortions.
- Focus error, coma, astigmatism, etc. can all be viewed as phase
errors. A special set (normal set) of mathematical functions called
Zernike polynomials can be used to describe these and higher order
phase distortions.
- Using the knife edge is a good way to view higher order phase aberrations in your telescope or in the
- As for references, try Fourier Optics by Joe Goodman to start and
probably a Google search on Schlieren optics, Fourier optics,
Foucault test, phase contrast microscope, spatial filtering, etc. may
be useful since all these terms all are related. Even analog
communications theory with a vector representation of narrowband
phase modulation is useful in gaining insight into this problem.