Mildura and surrounds
- North:
- South:
- East:
- West:
- see also:
- maps:
- Lake Mungo in SW NSW:
- dry, eerie, desert landscape eroded by wind which takes the sand to the nearby sand dunes
- site of ancient Aboriginal culture dating back to perhaps 60,000 years ago until ~15,000 years ago when it dried up in the climate change that also resulted in Tasmania becoming separated from the Australian mainland.
- 100km (~1hr) drive NE from Mildura along unsealed roads but 4WD not required - but avoid when recent rains
- best time to visit is March - October as too hot in Summer
- accommodation:
- two camping sites (fires and wood only) at the main camp - info NSW Parks
australia/vic/mildura.txt · Last modified: 2012/02/27 10:20 by gary1