Lake Eppalock
see also:
- Lake Eppalock is a very popular boating and fishing destination in central Victoria
- camping is permitted only in caravan parks or on private land surrounding the lake with a permit from the land owner
- the dam was built between 1961 and 1964 to help reduce flood risks to townships downstream on the Campaspe River such as Rochester
- it is the only water storage system on the Campaspe River but does not currently have flood gates and thus is not able to lower water levels ahead of anticipated flood events which will then spill over the spillway without restriction and which can cause severe flooding downstream as occurred in 2011 and in 2022.
- it supplies both stock and domestic water to the Campaspe irrigation district and serves as a water supply to Bendigo, Heathcote and now also Ballarat
- it took 2 years to fo from being full in August 2000 to run dry by 2002 and then due to Victoria's prolonged drought, remained below 15% capacity for the next 8 yrs
- it rose from 8% full in June 2010 to 100% full by Nov 2010 when after a 48hr rain event, it spilled over the spillway for the 1st time since 1996
australia/vic/eppalock.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/06 07:59 by gary1