birds of Australia
- Australia is fortunate in having a diverse range of birds many of which seasonally migrate to remote regions including the far northern hemisphere regions
- some bird families are unique to Australia such as the emu, lyrebirds, scrub-birds, pardalotes, Australian mud-nesters, and tree-creeper.
- Birds as pests
- The native Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala, a honeyeater, aggressively attacks even larger birds and after colonizing an area they rapidly exclude other bird species reducing biodiversity in that area
- they are grey with black heads and yellow beaks
- they are endemic in eastern Australia from Nth Qld to Sth Aust and favor open woodlands or edges of forests as well as suburban areas
- culling tends to just result in rapid re-colonization
- the solution to reducing their numbers and allow increased bird diversity is probably a combination of culling and revegetation to create dense scrub
- NOT to be confused with the introduced invasive pest, the Common Myna or Indian Myna Acridotheres tristis which is a dark brown starling with black and blue wings, with black hood, yellow behind eyes, and which is also an open woodland / urban bird (pre-adapted to habitats with tall vertical structures and little to no vegetative ground cover) with a strong territorial instinct and is one of the world's most invasive species
- nests and breeds in protected hollows including house gutters, breeding males will actively defend areas ranging up to 0.83 hectares in size and displace many breeding pairs of native hollow-nesters and can cause considerable damage to ripening fruit, particularly grapes, but also figs, apples, pears, strawberries, blueberries, guava, mangoes and breadfruit, while also damaging maize, wheat crops and spreads the seeds of weeds such as Lantana camara
- first introduced to Australia between 1863 and 1872, in Victoria, to control insects in the market gardens of Melbourne
- it was later introduced to Queensland as a predator of grasshoppers and cane beetles
- due to climate, they are unable to self-sustain populations in Tasmania, Darwin or the arid outback regions, and struggle on the South Island of NZ
Main bird families
- emus
- most of Australia except for rainforests
- cassowaries
- Southern Cassowary - tropical far north Queensland coast
- ostriches
- not native to Australia but farmed in South Australia and some feral ones may exist
- grebes
- penguins
- the Little Penguin is the only penguin that breeds in Australia (also in NZ)
- albatrosses
- petrels and shearwaters
- storm petrels
- diving petrels
- pelicans
- gannets and boobies
- darters
- cormorants and shags
- frigatebirds
- tropicbirds
- herons, egrets and bitterns
- storks
- ibises and spoonbills
- geese, swans and ducks
- osprey
- kites, goshawks, eagles and harriers
- falcons
- mound-builders
- quails and pheasants
- button-quails
- plains-wanderer
- rails, crakes, swamphens, and coots
- cranes
- bustards
- jacanas
- thick-knees (stone curlews)
- painted snipe
- oystercatchers
- lapwings, plovers and dotterels
- stilts and avocets
- curlews, sandpipers, snipes and godwits
- phalaropes
- pratincoles
- skuas and jaegers
- gulls and terns
- pigeons and doves
- cockatoos
- yellow-tailed black cockatoo (SE Aust)
- glossy black cockatoo (NSW coast extending into eastern Vic and SE Qld))
- Gang-Gang cockatoo (mid grey with scarlet head; SE Aust)
- galah (light grey and pink; most of Aust except Tas, tropical far north Qld/NT and SW WA)
- long billed corella (white with bluish skin around eyes; western Vic)
- pink cockatoo (pink with white wings and white skin around eyes; central Australia including western Murray Valley)
- sulphur-crested cockatoo (white with yellow crest; most of eastern Aust. extending to NT tropics)
- true parrots
- lorikeets
- rainbow lorikeet (green with dark blue head, bright red bill, yellow-green collar, deep violet-blue abdomen; most of eastern Aust. coastal regions extending to York Peninsula and Tas with some around Perth)
- scaly-breasted lorikeet (green including the head, red bill, yellow crescents on breast, flanks and thighs, orange-red underwing; most of east coast Aust.)
- musk lorikeet (bright green; black bill tipped red, scarlet forehead, lores and ear patches; most of eastern Aust. coastal regions extending to York Peninsula and Tas)
- fig-parrots
- long-tailed parrots
- Aust. king parrot (brilliant scarlet underparts, green back, blue rump, blackish-blue tail, green crescents on abdomen and undertail; male has scarlet head and neck but female has green; most of east coast Aust)
- broad-tailed parrots
- budgerigar (common pet; bright green, yellow throat; inland Aust)
- crimson rosella (elegans race: rich crimson and blue; some green immature; 7 races with different colorings; coastal eastern Aust and Murray Valley)
- parasitic cuckoos and coucals
- hawk owls
- barn owls
- frogmouths
- tawny frogmouth
- owlet-nightjars
- nightjars
- swiftlets and swifts
- kingfishers
- azure kingfisher
- laughing kookaburra
- bee-eaters
- rainbow bee-eater
- dollarbird (brown upper, blue throat, red bill and legs, green-blue wings, blue tail)
- rollers
- pittas
- superb lyrebird (east coast wet forests Melb-Brisbane)
- scrub-birds
- old world larks
- swallows and martins
- old world pipits and wagtails
- Richard's pipit
- cuckoo-shrikes and trillers
- black faced cuckoo-shrike
- white-winged triller
- bulbuls
- old world thrushes, flycatchers and allies
- Bassian thrush (SE coast)
- blackbird (SE Aust)
- song thrush (around Melbourne region)
- various robins incl. eastern yellow robin (yellow breast), rose robin, pink robin, scarlet robin, flame robin, red-capped robin, hooded robin
- Jacky Winter
- crested shrike-tit
- olive whistler, golden whistler, rufous whistler
- shrike-thrushes
- crested bellbird
- black-face monarch
- leaden flycatcher, satin flycatcher, restless flycatcher
- rufous fantail, grey fantail
- willie wagtail
- chowchillas, whipbirds, wedgebills, and quail-thrushes
- eastern whipbird
- spotted quail-thrush
- babblers
- grey crowned babbler
- old world warblers
- clamorous reed warbler
- little grassbird
- golden headed cisticola
- fairy wrens
- superb fairy wren (SE Aust extending to SE Qld and Yorke Peninsula)
- variegated fairy wren (inland Aust)
- southern emu wren (coastal Aust except tropical and subtropical north)
- bristlebirds, scrubwrens, gerygones, and thornbills
- pilotbird (east Vic, SE NSW coast)
- white-browed scrubwren
- weebill
- white-throated gerygone
- sittellas
- treecreepers
- honeyeaters
- chats
- sunbirds
- flowerpeckers
- pardalotes
- white-eyes
- true finches
- old world sparrows
- weavers, waxbills, grass-finches and mannikins
- starlings and mynahs
- orioles and figbirds
- drongos
- bowerbirds
- birds of paradise
- Australian mud-nesters
- magpie-larks
- woodswallows
- butcherbirds and currawongs
- ravens and crows
australia/birds.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/12 01:48 by gary1