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portable weather stations for campers


  • when you are remote camping for more than a few days off grid, a small portable weather station can be useful to keep an eye on the weather systems and also can be fun to help you document your experience and what works in various conditions
  • your smartphone will probably have a barometer built in and GPS altimeter, so you probably don't need these

Stat / max / avg measurement devices

  • UNI-T UT363 LCD Digital Anemometer Wind Speed Meter Temperature Air Flow Tester
    • wind “0-30m/s”; Beaufort scale; wind chill; temp;
    • $AU31
  • Sunroad FR500 / FR510 Multifunction Outdoor Temperature, Barometer, RH, altimeter, compass
    • USB chargeable lithium battery
    • temperature, RH and barometer measurements only occur every 30min on the hour and the half hour

Smartphone Bluetooth devices

USB data loggers

  • these are small devices which have sensors, an internal battery and data logging system which can be later attached to a computer's USB port to upload the data
  • USB Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Dew Point Data Logger, LCD Screen
  • HoldPeak HP-866A
    • windspeed 0.8-40m/s (1.4-144kph)
    • RH, dewpoint, temp, wet bulb temp
    • takes about 1 hour for temp to equilibrate going from 36degC to 22degC environment
    • USB
    • $AU45

other devices

australia/weather_stations.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/25 20:59 by gary1

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