Table of Contents

basic electronics

see also:

basic components

  • Transistors and other solid-state devices are susceptible to damage from very brief electrical and thermal events, including electrostatic discharge in handling.
  • under-voltage may lead to increased current draw IF there is a voltage regulator module or similar in the system that maintains a given voltage or power output and this may risk burn out of wires or plugs due to the enforced higher current draw
    • in a simple circuit without such a regulator, Ohm's law states that the current would DROP if voltage drops, and thus the power usage would drop and if anything, the device would become unstable or stop working until the correct voltage is applied eg. an analogue torch gradually getting dimmer as the battery gets flat and then not turning on.
  • over-voltage or severe voltage ripple tends to damage components, especially capacitors and FETs.

AC-AC transformer

AC-DC transformer "power adapter"

Computer power supplies and internal wiring