Table of Contents

safety for photographers, their gear and their models

see also:


  • PREVENTION is FAR BETTER than CURE when it comes to TRAUMA
  • trauma is not a word to be taken lightly, even simple trauma events can result in life-changing long term disabilities - even just a foot or ankle fracture, let alone a serious head injury from a 2m fall onto boulders or being involved in a motor vehicle accident, falling off a cliff or having serious wounds from an animal or human attack.

Animal attacks

  • BE AWARE of these risks, take precautions (eg. bring snake bite bandages or, EpiPen if anaphylaxis is a risk) and know the FIRST AID principles

Enviromental contagions and allergens

Electrical and thermal injuries

Falls and drownings

Poisoning or suffocation

Road trauma

Human attacks

getting lost or incapacitated in the wilderness

protecting your gear

Criminal laws in various countries may impact