lunar occultation of Mars October 2003

see also:

This event seen as a grazing occultation in Melbourne with Mars so big is extremely rare!

The region from which an occultation was seen is limited by a grazing occultation of Mars at the north limb of the Moon. This occurred along a band some 50 km wide from Melbourne, through Canberra to Wollongong just south of Sydney. Areas to the south saw a full occultation.

note that the apparent size of Mars is approx. 75-100 x smaller than the moon

here are my pics of this event taken with a Canon S30 digital camera and a 10“ Newtonian telescope on 7th October 2003:

0:15am camera zoom without telescope - getting closer!

2:38am - damn that's close!!

2:39 am - note how much the moon moved since last photo one minute earlier

2:52 am moving away: