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light pollution

light pollution

limiting visual magnitude  zenith sky brightness Unaided eye capabilities
3.5 (urban) 25-50x Milky Way is completely invisible; 0.6 minutes exposure;
4.5-5.0 (suburban) 7-10x Milky Way and Zodiacal light invisible. Typical conditions found in suburbs of major cities. Passing clouds are easily seen due to being lit up from surrounding lights. 1.5-2.4 minutes exposure;
5.1-5.5 5-7x The indistinct Milky Way faintly visible only near the zenith. Zodiacal light invisible. M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, is barely discernible. 2.4-3.8 minutes exposure;
5.6-6.0 (outskirts) 4-5x clouds are brighter than the sky because they are lit from below. The Milky Way is now more easily seen, but lacks detail. M13, the Great Hercules globular star cluster can now be just glimpsed when near the zenith. The Zodiacal light is still invisible. The Milky Way from Auriga through Orion still invisible. 3.8-6.0 minutes exposure;
6.1-6.5 (rural) 2-3x The Milky Way is now obvious and some detail can be glimpsed. The Zodiacal light is now barely visible, but not obvious. The Milky Way from Auriga through Orion is faintly visible. There is still noticeable sky-glow along the horizon due to distant towns and cities. NB. the Sydney sky-glow is visible even 700km inland! eg. Eastern/central Oregon; 6.0-9.5 minutes exposure; eg. Clonbinane, 68km north of Melbourne 
6.5-7.0 (dark sky rural) 1-2x the sky is packed with stars, the Milky Way is a mass of swirling, jumbled detail and any clouds appear blacker than the sky itself. Sky brightness mainly due to natural sky glow. Much structure is visible in the Milky Way. The Zodiacal light is an obvious cone of light. The major constellations are less obvious due to “noise” caused by the large number of faint stars now visible. Passing clouds appear as dark moving masses as they block the natural skyglow or the Milky Way. A few sources of sky-glow are still visible. eg. western USA, New Mexico, 9.5-15 minutes exposure; eg. in Victoria, Australia: Hall's Gap, Horsham, Nagambie
>7.1(darkest skies) 1x Incredible! The Milky Way contains an enormous amount of structure all the way to the horizon and you can easily see your way around by it's light. The Zodiacal light now encircles the entire ecliptic. There are no sources of sky-glow along any part of the horizon. Many meteors are visible. >15 minutes exposure; eg. in Victoria, Australia: Murchison, Ouyen, Heathcote


light pollution and distance from urban centres:

natural sky glow

astrophotography in areas of light pollution: