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Shoot RAW and Expose to The Right (ETTR) for optimal image quality

see also:


why ETTR helps in shooting RAW

the two brightest stops render 75% of all the shades the camera is capable of producing

bit depth of files

tonal range available at each stop of brightness:

file type brightest stop 2nd brightest stop 3rd brightest 4th 5th 6th 7th
14bit RAW 8192 levels 4096 levels 2048 levels 1024 512 256 128
12bit RAW 2048 levels 1024 levels 512 levels 256 128 64 32
8bit jpeg with gamma 69 levels 50 levels 37 levels 27 20

Imagine then doing a low key portrait:

ETTR technique with the OM-D cameras

option 1: use the highlight blinkies

option 2: spot meter highlights

option 3: normal metering and jpeg settings with bracketed over-exposures