Table of Contents

climate: air and wind

see also:

Global air circulation & pressure systems:

Surface winds:

types of winds:

alteration of wind by obstacles:

wind force:

wind speed:

Beaufort scale and description Wind speed Effect on land Effect on water (wave height on deep water and with adequate fetch & wind duration)
0 calm < 1 knot or < 1kph smoke rises vertically surface looks like a mirror
1 light wind 1-3 knots or 1-5kph smoke follows wind; wind vanes don't work ripples can be seen - waves 1cm high
2 light breeze 4-6knots or 6-11kph leaves rustle, people feel wind on faces small wavelets with glassy appearance - 6cm waves
3 gentle breeze 7-10knots or 12-19kph leaves,twigs in constant motion; light flag will extend large wavelets & crests begin to break; 20cm waves
4 moderate breeze 11-16knots; 20-28kph dust, loose paper raised; small branches move small waves & some whitecaps; 60cm waves
5 fresh breeze 17-21knots;29-38kph small leafy trees sway; inland waters form crested wavelets moderate sized waves to 1.3m & many whitecaps
6 strong breeze 22-27knots;39-49kph large branches move; power lines whistle large wves to 2.5m, extensive whitecaps, some spray
7 near gale 28-33knots;50-61kph whole trees move; people have some difficulty walking into wind sea heaps up; waves to 4.5m; white foam from breaking waves is blown in streaks
8 gale 34-40knots;62-74kph twigs break off trees; people have difficulty walking into wind moderately high waves break & form spindrift; well-defined streaks; waves to 7m possible;
9 strong gale 41-47knots;75-88kph structural damage can occur high waves; dense streaks of foam along wind lines; crests of waves begin to roll over; spray may affect visibility; waves may reach 11m
10 storm 48-55knots;89-102kph trees uprooted; severe structural damage may occur very large waves with long over-hanging crests; sea is chaotic & tumbling & takes on a dense white apearance; waves may reach 16m
11 violent storm 56-63knots;103-117kph widespread damage but rare on land small-medium sized ships may be temporarily blocked from view by waves; foam everywhere; waves may reach 22m
12 hurricane >64knots; >118kph rare on land air filled with foam & spray severely limiting visibility; waves may reach higher than 22m.