Table of Contents

Delatite Arm campgrounds Lake Eildon

see also:


Getting there

Nearby amenities

Campgrounds in the Delatite Arm

  • these are prone to almost continuous dust from the high levels of traffic on long weekends and other peak periods - even overnight!
    • try to get a site as far from road as possible but it will still get covered in dust
    • otherwise go when its not busy!
  • the area is popular with dirt bikes / trail bikers who head up into the plantations
  • there are no walking or cycling trails other than the very dusty road which would not be pleasant - or the 4WD / dirt bike tracks up into the pine plantations
    • there is a great cycling option at Mansfield - the Great Victorian Rail Trail - as well as Mt Buller and Mt Stirling are popular with cyclists

The Orchard


Blue Gum Flat

Blue Gum Flat 2

Picnic Point:


Long Gully

Cullitons Gully camp ground


many more sites further on

Other camp grounds east of Lake Eildon

Mansfield region

northeast of Mansfield

Howqua Hills historic gold mining area:

Howqua River

Mt Stirling region

Jamieson region:

SE along Jamiesion River

SE along Jamiesion-Licola Rd:

South of Jamieson along Goulburn River towards Woods Point:

Further exploring