Table of Contents

how to reduce your risks in lightning storms

see also:

  • most lightning injuries occur on the outskirts of storms when there is little rain rather when they are overhead as most people do seek shelter when the rain is very heavy
  • the safest place in lightning is to be indoors - and not holding a copper wired phone
  • the next safest place is sitting in a car without touching the exterior which acts as a Faraday cage
  • in Australia, 10 people die each year and some 100 are injured from lightning strikes
  • in hot weather conditions, lightning can start bushfires which can spread rapidly and trap hikers - avoid hiking in extreme bushfire danger periods


some lightning facts

lightning injuries

Check out the blast shrapnel and falling branches (image courtesy of gizmodo)

find a lower risk site

pitch your tent assuming there may be a storm overnight

  • tents are NOT Faraday cages and they do NOT protect you from lightning
    • if possible seek shelter - a building, alpine hut, hard-topped car, cave
    • if you must “sleep” in your tent during a storm:
      • ensure you have chosen a low risk site as above and preferably with the ground remaining dry under you in a storm (ie your tent is on higher ground but not too high it becomes the tallest object)
      • place thick rubber mats under your mattress (which should ideally be a thick foam mattress) and ensure they are dry (probably best to remove your electric blanket if you use one as you don't want to be on top of a whole lot of wires)
      • do not touch anything metal
      • if you sense a lightning strike, get into lightning position
      • if you have a wood stove with a metal chimney in your tent, it is probably best to ensure it is NOT grounded by placing non-conductive material under each leg (you don't want to encourage lightning to come into your tent by partly grounding it!) a 2-3m tall metal chimney is unlikely to be the least resistant path for lightning if there are much taller trees nearby - all the same maybe best to take the chimney down during a storm - you probably shouldn't be using it if there are severe winds anyway

the lightning position

first aid