Table of Contents

gemstones and other geological materials

see also:


Identifying gemstones

The hardness scale

hardness example features
1 talc easily scratched by a fingernail
2 gypsum scratched with difficulty by a fingernail and will not scratch a copper coin
3 calcite scratches copper and is scratched by copper. Not scratched by a fingernail
4 flourite does not scratch apatite or glass but scratches copper
5 apatite scratches glass with difficulty, and is scratched by glass with difficulty. Does not scratch felspar
5.5 lapis lazuli (5-5.5)
6 felspar, turquoise, opal (5.5-6.5) scratches glass easily, scratched with difficulty by a knife
6.5 nephrite (6-5), jadeite (6.5-7), olivine (6.5-7)
7 quartz, chalcedony, garnet (6.5-7.5) not scratched by a knife blade, scratched with difficulty by a file
7.5 zircon, tourmaline (7-7.5), beryl (7.5-8)
8 topaz, spinel will scratch quartz but not corundum
8.5 chrysoberyl
9 corundum (ruby, sapphire) will scratch topaz
10 diamond will not be scratched by any natural stone and will scratch any other natural substance

Crystal shapes

Other geologic interests



petrified wood

Formation of gemstones

quartz and gold