oxygen saturation finger probe
digital thermometer
blood glucose tester
urine test kit including pregnancy test (abdominal pain in a female hiker could be pregnancy related)
source of oral glucose
suture pack with sutures, antiseptic solution, sterile saline, needle holder, etc
scalpel to lance boils, etc
splinter removal forcep
aluminium padded splint
bag valve mask (BVM), Guedel airways
needle and valve for tension pneumothorax
nasal pack for severe epistaxis
topical steroid cream / antihistamines for contact allergies
Doctor's bag medications:
epinephrine or Epipen
stronger analgesics - oxycodone, Penthrane, etc
prednisolone for asthma, croup, etc
salbutamol inhalers with spacer
antiemetic such as ondansetron
antihypertensive such as a ACEI
additional antibiotics:
cefalexin for most skin infections, UTIs, etc
metronidazole suppositories - can be used with augmentin or cefalexin to conservatively manage appendicitis if there is delay to care
special gear for high altitude hikes over 2500m such as bottled oxygen, acetazolamide, dexamethasone, nifedipine, salbutamol inhalers,