Table of Contents

how not to get gastro or food poisoning when camping

see also:


Gastro from the toilets

  • WASH HANDS AFTER touching anything in the camp toilets including door handles!

Gastro from the water

Avoiding food poisoning

  • WASH HANDS BEFORE touching food (and afterwards) - hand sanitizers need to have more than 60% alcohol
  • perishables MUST be kept below 5degC or above 65degC - temperatures between these for more than 1-2 hrs risks dangerous bacterial growths
    • return cold foods to the cooler, and chill leftovers promptly or discard
    • NB. the top shelf in many car fridges has a temperature a few degrees warmer than the main compartment - put fruit, veges, chocolate here, not perishables!

Keep it simple stupid (KISS) approach - don't take perishables

Same day semi-perishables

For the food handling expert - you can bring perishables

For the food handling genius - consider using cryovac bags and thawing out frozen foods

  • leaving frozen food out at room temperature or using running hot water is NOT considered safe thawing!